Yesterday I received a compliment that I can't stop thinking's cracking me up a little bit. One of the guest entertainers on board told me I reminded her of a 'young' Angela Lansbury:
What do YOU think?
In other news, we're 11 days into this 17 day-long cruise... still in the Pacific Ocean. Stopping in Puntarenas, Costa Rica today as our port of call. Since the new cast is still in rehearsals for their third and final show, they're using this day as a rehearsal day... that being said, I don't think I'll be getting any sun in Costa Rica today. Oh well.
My lighting guy just called me to tell me he's been throwing up all morning and that he might not be able to work today. Throwing up sucks, and under normal circumstances I'd say 'that sucks, stay home, feel better.' But since we're on a ship, which is not normal circumstances, there are certain maritime and company regulations that come into play here... first and foremost he has to be reported to the medical facility, and may or may not be isolated to his cabin for a day or so until he gets better. Any sort of GI disturbance is serious, because some of those bugs are super contagious and must be kept at bay... there's nothing fouler than a ship full of pukey poopy people. Actually, as I write this, my boss just called to say we're nearing the dreaded 'Level 2,' which means we've had a certain number of GI cases reported in so many hours and need to boost our sanitization efforts. Oy. Talk about fun!
That being said, I'll leave you with this image of future me...
Hope you are well!
plague on the ship!
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, hot dang - you need to do your hair like Y.A.L. Work it.
Mos' def the younger Angela. We'll have to wait and see about the elder - that is if I am still around at that time. Nice post - can we assume that you missed out on the "plague" ?