Sunday, August 26, 2012


Nearly two weeks into this contract on the Infinity, and so far so good. Even though the previous Production Manager left before I arrived, we all survived with no major issues.  It really helped that I had the basic institutional knowledge of what the heck I'm supposed to do and who's responsible for what on these ships.  Otherwise we'd be in trouble.  As of now, the cast is good, the AV team is good, my boss is good, the ship is good, the itinerary is good. My cabin is half the size as my cabin on Eclipse. There's no window. There's no couch. But no matter.  I'll trade the stress/frustration of that ship for a smaller, darker, couchless cabin any day. No worries.

It's kind of fun now that I've already completed one contract to be able to talk to the cast/AV team and figure out how many of the same people we know.  It's a good icebreaker for me as the new person:  "Hey, did you say you worked with 'so and so'? Me too!" Yup.

We've got a few more weeks of Alaska cruises, then on September 21 we head south to reposition for our Panama Canal/Caribbean cruises.  The new cast will arrive on September 14 after four weeks of rehearsals in the UK, and we'll spend a week transitioning them into everything.  Should be crazy, but I feel a little better prepared since I survived one already my last contract. We'll see!


So...some math for you.  You may have heard me say, and it may not surprise you to hear, that men outnumber women quite significantly on ships.  I happened upon some numbers the other day that made me laugh a little... at this moment, there are approximately 770 men on board.

And 170 women.


Moving on, I just spoke with the on-board Alaska expert/naturalist guy and he says tonight should be a great night to see the Aurora Borealis, aka Northern Lights.  I might try to pop out to the open deck after the shows tonight to see what I can see! I've never seen the Northern Lights!

More soon,

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A New Adventure

Celebrity some exotic locale.

A new adventure awaits on the high seas as I make my way to Alaska to join the crew of the Celebrity Infinity for the remainder of its Alaska season and into it's Central/South America season... should be interesting!

I expect to be on board until February, so any and all Birthday/Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years gifts and other assorted fan mail can be sent to this address (or some variation thereof)::

Celebrity INFINITY / Crew Mail
Danielle Fullerton / Production Manager
2935 West Corporate Lakes Blvd
Weston, FL 33331

This address is basically just a routing center for the ship and the mail will be forwarded to me wherever I am in the world!

More updates to come!